Thursday, April 28, 2022

Batman & Robin Merchandise Review - Collectable discs from Kelloggs

Quick break from action figures this week to have a look at a weird cereal tie-in with Batman & Robin - these foam discs. At first glance I thought these were Pogs but given there's no hard plastic "slammer" I think they're just a novel alternative to trading cards. These are really easy to find on eBay. Get them if you really want but don't expect them to be a future family heirloom.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Toys: Mr Freeze figure photography

Shout out to Dwayne Pinkney who sent over these brilliant photographs he's taken of all the Mr Freeze figures from the Batman & Robin Kenner toyline.

Please feel free to email me at jackthursbyedit [at] gmail [dot] com if you have any images you want me to share here.